Saturday, March 30, 2013


Working as a CNA is not always an easy job. When I went through my CNA class to learn how to be a CNA, it did not prepare me for the reality of the job. There are plenty of good sides to the CNA job but you probably won't here that much about the down side. I'm here to spill it for you. These are a few of the things that I really don't enjoy about being a CNA.
Suck CNA Job #1: Residents Die
It's a fact of life. Everyone dies. But when someone dies who you have taken care of for awhile, it hurts. When they on your shift, it sucks even harder. Sometimes you find them after they die and sometimes you have the trauma of watching them die. Some die horrific deaths while others go in their sleep. There are so many stories I can tell you about dying. And having to clean them up after dying is one of the hardest jobs I have ever had to endure.
Suck CNA Job #2: #2. No really. Poop sucks.
If you've never seen a river of liquid poop running off a bed and pooling on the floor, you aren't missing much. Poop stinks and having to clean it up just sucks. Especially when the residents play in it and finger paint with it. The most interesting poop experience was when I rolled one man over to wipe him and fart poop spray all over the wall. It was so nasty! It's like just don't breath. Then who is the one who needs CPR. Poop isn't always the same either. I've seen sticky poop that never seems to come off and sticks to everything. I've also seen poop come out of people's butt that was the size of a bowling ball. I'm not kidding. I swore that the woman gave birth. The smell sucks too. I've smelled poop that could have killed small animals, smelled poop that made me gag, smelled poop that smelled like something died and then there is the interesting poop. It smelled sweet and fruity like someone had placed a bowl of oranges in the room. If all poop smelled like that, wiping butts wouldn't suck so bad.

Suck CNA Job #3: Falls
Sometimes a resident falls. We dread this! Not only do we get in trouble if it's preventable, but we have to check them over to make sure they aren't hurt, call a nurse and check their vital signs every 15 minutes. The suck factor for knowing they fell and that they hurt is up there more than anything. Comforting them is an okay job but doing it because they fell sucks and makes the whole day suck. I usually worry about them for days. And they don't let you forget about it either.
Suck CNA Job #4: Getting Beat Up
People have this idea of frail little grandma sitting in her wheelchair, completely helpless. Let me tell you, frail little grandma can punch, hit, gouge and kick like a boxer. It sucks trying to care for someone who thinks you're the devil and is trying to kill you. We still love them, but man does it suck. My name tag ripped from my shirt, been kicked everywhere, punched, scratched, bit, spit on and beaten with everything in the room, including walkers. If you haven't had the pleasure of running for your life from someone with a walker, I have a few people to introduce you to.
Suck CNA Job #5: Horny old Men
Yea, yea, yea... I'm cute and look like I'm 25. But it sucks when I have to take care of men (or ever a women) who feel the need almost grope every body part I have. It sucks having to explain to them that it's not okay. It's inappropriate contact. It especially sucks when I am telling someone this who has the mentality of a 3 year old and won't remember what I said in about 5 minutes. I hate being stared at and knowing exactly what they are thinking. X-RATED...UHH! Seeing genitals like get the picture. It just sucks.

Don't get me wrong, overall I love my job as a CNA. But there are things that make the job suck. I just go home, cry, vent and come back the next day hoping it will suck less than the day before. And usually it does. Just laugh about it!

1 comment:

  1. fart poop spray!!! lol ohmy gosh this is so funny! I'm a cna too and I seriously found truth to every word of this! :) lol
